My student scored a zero in his English test
I was so frustrated with this boy from the last class in form 5 who didn't even attempt the multiple-choice questions! He wrote down his name and dozed off until his question paper was collected by my colleague. What else can I do?

When I asked his classmates, they told me that this lazy lad had been giving problems to the teachers since he was in form 4. For example, he always came late to school and even if he was in the classroom, he did not pay attention to the teacher who was teaching him. He had the guts to sleep until the class was over. Occasionally, he even overslept so his younger sister had to wake him up since they came to school together by motorcycle.
Upon further query, his classmates told me that he was involved in drugs. That explained why he always slept during the day but stayed awake at night! I got to know that his father had just been released from the drug rehabilitation centre a few months back. What I can say: like father, like son.
So, my friends, if you were in my shoes, what would you do?
Parents & teachers have to sit and look for something to do :(
ReplyDeletekesian to both of them :(
ReplyDeletetu dia keluar terus tanduk kat zero tu. tu lah cabaran seorang guru. semoga abam dpt merubah dia ke arah lebih baik
ReplyDeleteditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapa...the parents don't care about the important of education to the children because they themselves are problematic (the father)..
ReplyDeletetak tau nak suggest apa...hopefully, dia berubah dimasa depan..
nampak sangat this student tiada minat untuk belajar, buat masa ini saya rasa nasihat sahaja. but secara soft spoken advice. bagi dia sedar untuk ubah diri. InsyaAllah doa untuk beliau menjadi lebih baik.
ReplyDeletehebat cabaran ni..tukar murid tu ke sekolah pemulihan akhlak..
ReplyDeleteKena bantu student ni.bagi kata2 semangat,buat latihan selalu.insyaAllah dia boleh berjaya.
ReplyDeleteAdadaa budak2 sudah terlibat dengan benda benda macam tu... Kesian 😢
ReplyDeleteAllahu....dia boleh berjaya kalau dia bersedia untuk berubah..itu,rakan-rakan hanya boleh sokong...nasihat..selebihnya bergantung atas kemahuan dia..keluarga juga sangat-sangat main peranan.
ReplyDeletenice sir :D, i bookmark ur article :D
ReplyDeleteHehe itulah cabaran seorang pendidik. Zaman ciktie dulu pun dah ada camni
ReplyDeletebiarpun saya bukan cikgu namun masalah ini pernah saya nampak dengan classmate saya dulu.
ReplyDeletebermula dari tingkatan satu sehingga tingkatan lima.
mereka dari latar belakang keluarga yang ada masalah sosial adan rumahtangga.
anak-anak terbiar.
emosi mereka terganggu.
saya pun speechless nak kata apa apa lagi
kesian kat dia abe kie.
ReplyDeletekadang budak ni, bukan nak sangat tapi corak family dia gitu.
mek tk kesian ko parents dia tapi kesian ko budok tu.
gano dia nk survive kalau umo 17 main dadoh dh.
tu amat bahaya.
budok, dia nak kasih syg perhatian. bukan nasihat atau tocher minda dio.
tk tahu nak suruh sapo wi perhatian ko dio supaya dia raso dio dhrgai.
Kesian budak tu. Kerana masalah kekeluargaan, dia jadi mangsa.
ReplyDeleteSick society we are in right now. Jadi educator ni, sgt susah hati fikir, apa akan jadi dgn masa depan pelajar kita.
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