Hello ladies & gentleman, back with me. It's Abam Kie! Today's topic is definitely for students. If you're a student who indecisive to choose either IPTA or IPTS, you're welcome to read my post! This will encourage everyone out there to know that both IPTA and IPTS are also good in education. So today's topic is I'm Rejected by UPU! Should I Apply Private Uni?


• Higher rank (usually gov uni are higher ranks than private uni)
• PHD lecturers (most of the lecturers are top educators)
• Affordable (such as UITM it's already under UPU so their fees are very affordable)
• Many student activities (they mostly will organise many student activities such as concert, fashion runaway, etc)
• Long semester break (gov uni will usually have semester breaks for about 2 months)


• Packed schedule (their schedules are too packed, not suitable to part time job)
• Can't choose own course (need to apply through UPU MARA with selected course given)
• Can't apply MARA scholarships (usually MARA scholarships don't support IPTA students)
• Long semester (6 months for 1 sem)
• Homesick (gov uni usually far from home/city)
• Strict (their PB and lecturers are very strict. You can't even dye your hair)


• Flexible schedule (suitable for those who want to study and gain side income through part time job, etc)
• Can choose own course (can apply any of your fav course through them)
• No homesick (nearby home/city)
• Can apply MARA scholarship (MARA supports IPTS students)
• Improve your English language (most of them speaks in English, even the lectures too)
• Build connection (most of the students really have a good connection to get good opportunities)
• Freedom (freedom to wear anything, dye your hair, etc)
• Short semester (only 4 months for 1 semester)


• Pricey fees (usually their fees are higher (RM 35k - RM50k)
• The vibe is not same with IPTA (My POV, IPTA experience is better because I love the environment)
• Less student activities (not really active than IPTA)
• Only 2 weeks of semester break, so I think IPTA is really suitable for those B40 students who wants to study with cheaper fees. It's also suitable for those who active and loves to contribute to many student events. 

For those who don't love English language as their first language, you can avoid apply IPTS. IPTA is also suitable for full time students who really focus on their study instead of job experience because of their packed schedule.

Whereas, IPTS is really suitable for those who can afford tuition fees at higher price. It's also suitable for those who wants a flexible time for themselves and nearby with their home to avoid road congestion.