Lemme tell you the ways.... (friends and followers are encouraged to add if I left anything out)

1) Subjek non-UPSR diketepikan untuk subjek UPSR. Sesetengah sekolah hapuskan terus subjek minor dalam jadual menghampiri tarikh peperiksaan untuk beri laluan kepada subjek exam. 

2) Tuisyen yang tidak berhenti. Habis sekolah pukul 1, tapi ada tuisyen sampai pukul 2,3pm, ada tuisyen malam, ada tuisyen cuti, dan ada tuisyen luar. Pusat tuisyen tumbuh bak cendawan. 

3) Murid tahun 6 tidak dibenarkan melibatkan diri dalam extra-curricular activities supaya fokus kepada peperiksaan semata-mata. Zaman dulu, mimpi je la nak angkut budak tahun 6 join choral speaking. Kalau dibenarkan, kelas 'hujung' yang bukan jadi target cikgu-cikgu. Cikgu tahun 6 juga kerap dinafikan peluang untuk melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti luar. 

4) Ramai cikgu Bahasa Inggeris tidak mengajar listening dan speaking, kerana tidak diuji dalam UPSR. Cikgu subjek lain juga hanya mengajar perkara yang diuji exam sahaja. Kalau ajar sekalipun, "touch and go" buat cukup syarat. Tak follow DSKP, cuma follow format UPSR.

5) Ujian percubaan dan latih tubi yang sangat banyak. Tak berhenti menanda & key-in. Lepastu dialog prestasi bincang result. Everything was so grade-centric and really constant too. 

6) Murid yang mampu score & cikgu yang mengajar tahun 6, overglorified. Your worth at school was how well you could perform on paper or how well the teacher was at producing grade A students. 

7) Some pupils acted like it was the end of the world because they didn't do well in their exams. There were cases of pupils stating sui**dal intent and self-harm due to enormous pressure. Some parents acted very immaturely. Ada parent abuse emosi anak sebab tak skor macam yang diharapkan. It's more common than you think. 

8) Severe lack of creativity. Buat kem gerak gempur UPSR, ingat buatlah latihan peperiksaan dalam bentuk explorace ke apa, but nope...pergi kem jauh-jauh duduk dalam dewan air cond jawab kertas exam. Kem gitu bayar punya mahal baik buat kat sekolah. Teachers didn't feel the need to teach creatively because students were already motivated to focus due to exam pressure. Flexibility was also out of the window. Within the first 6 months of school, teachers were expected to finish the syllabus already. The remaining 6 months were for drilling. 

9) Disparity between socioeconomic status makin menjurang. High academic grades are very closely related to PRIVILEGE. Those who could afford tuition, quality tutors, good reference books, were more likely to do well. 

10) Murid tak ingat pun apa yang dipelajari during those high-pressure periods at school. It was fact-vomit, and DONE. 

Now before some of y'all come at me "Ini fitnah, kami zaman UPSR dulu masih ajar listening speaking" "Sekolah saya masih ajar subjek minor sampai hujung persekolahan" yada yada ... I'm just saying the situation in general. Sure, some teachers and some schools are exceptions. You can relax. And you'd be a fool to deny it wasn't like that at all back then. I'm not talking based on other people's experiences but my own. 

Btw, geng cikgu yang tuntut UPSR semula ni sedar ke UPSR bukan pengganti PBD? Kalau UPSR kembali, PBD is here to stay. It's part of teaching. You're saying you want MORE of keying-in data? Double of what it is now? Nangis 😭🤌