Pengomen bertuah bulan Oktober

Mesti kawan2 terkejut bila tengok Abam Kie mendukung anak cheetah kan? Hehehe... Jangan takut! Semua ini guna teknik AI je. Banyak apps di Playstore yang boleh kita download untuk edit foto. Cuma kebanyakannya berbayar la jika …

Beware of Unfriendly Friends

Life is full of unfriendly friends. Some people didn't die when the arrow was in their chest, they died when they saw who threw the  arrow.  Here are 12 Signs of Unfriendly friends; 1. Unfriendly friends plot against you at…

Some Social Rules That May Help You

1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to; 2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember o…

Kenangan merebus air guna dapur kayu

Ado lagi ko sini jerey air guno dapur kayu? Kalu nok masok guno dapur kayu mungkin x berapo nok ado doh, kalu jerey air guno dapur kayu mungkin sesetengah rumoh tu ado amal lagi. Dari segi raso, air hok rebus guno gas ko letrik…