Everyday things that will likely disappear in the next 20 years

The world is changing at an exponential rate, so much so that the gap between generations' experience of the world is growing wider and wider. There are already so many things millennials will never understand about pre-…

 10 Best Financial Pieces of Advice

1. Don't buy an expensive phone. A new version will come out even before you've finished paying for it.  2. Don't buy an expensive bag. Replicas are scattered everywhere. Only a trained eye will see that it's genu…

 27 Tanda-Tanda Anda Sudah Menjadi Hamba Dunia

1. Anda tidak bersiap-siap saat waktu solat akan tiba. 2. Anda melalui hari ini tanpa sedikit pun membuka lembaran Al-Qur'an lantaran Anda terlalu sibuk. 3. Anda selalu berfikir setiap waktu bagaimana caranya agar harta And…

Improve your vocabulary in just one day

The average English-speaking adult has a vocabulary ranging from 20,000-35,000 words. Here are 11 ways to make sure yours stacks up. 1. Read to your children Parents and children can both benefit and improve vocabulary from…