Avoiding Unnecessary Pressure In Your Life

1. Put your kids in schools you can afford because expensive schools don't guarantee good results. Just ensure they attend a good affordable school. 2. Rent apartments you can pay for conveniently. Don’t live in a house you s…

Kenduri Kahwin Anak Saudara di Teras Jernang, Selangor

Assalamualaikum. Pada awal cuti sekolah lalu iaitu 17 Januari 2025 (Jumaat), Abe Kie, Kak Ton dan Imtinan pergi ke Bangi, Selangor bagi menghadiri majlis perkahwinan anak saudara Abe Kie iaitu Nur Syahida binti Suhaimi dan pasa…

Kenapa murid malas ke sekolah?

Ada beberapa faktor yang mungkin menyebabkan murid sekolah di Malaysia berasa malas atau enggan ke sekolah: 1. Kurangnya Minat Terhadap Pelajaran: Ada murid yang tidak berminat dengan mata pelajaran yang diajar di sekolah. Mere…

Why do many school teachers choose to retire early?

Several factors contribute to the increasing number of school teachers choosing to retire early: 1. Excessive Workload: Teachers often face a heavy workload, including administrative duties, extracurricular activities, and prepar…